Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


stelah mmbuat blog ini berkarat plus berlumut
saya kmbali dgn postingan brbda T.T

sayaa numpang curcooll yaaa bleh yaa yaa yaa *lahh ni blog gua jag ska ska gua donk!

*nangis bombay seember


ntahlah apkh org ntu akn mmbca pstingan ini apa gk tpi kta umpmakanlah nmanya mnjadi GUNUNG
i dunno what should i do
coz this me, a girl who always looks so weak in front of YOU
yeahhh, maybe what all my friends said are right!
i am a stranger!! i am really diffrent
but diffrent is a miracle right??
now i ask you! for that MOUNTAIN!!
can you hear me! stop ignoring me! just tell me the truth! if you hate me just tell me!
i hate you! really hate you! nothing can i do anymore!
yeahhh, mybe what my friends are right! you make me frustation!
i nver feel this bfore NEVER!
but once i feel it, u broke it! u broke evrything!!
i dont know what should i say
i just want u to hear me! look at me !!
why we always keep like this, why i always hve a sme problem like this!!
but its the hardest! the hardest feeling!!

look at me!! look at my tears!! my taers that falling down bcoz of u !
dont u hve heart?! well okey
its not all bcoz of u ! and i know tht
but please stop IGNORE me !!
i dnt wnt this happen !!
i am not an easy prson to feel this feeling.... u know what?!
bfore i told i was crying ! i was crying hardly and u nver know that right?
you never know that!!
should i HATE u??
is that what u want from??

tell me!!!
talk to me!

i know i am too STUPID 
MOUNTAIN, why i call u as a MOUNTAIN in here.
its bcoz of mountain can mke me feel comfort!
mountain can gve me a beautifull seesight
but you !
you are not that mountain anymore!